Otrdiena, 03 Jūnijs 2014 20:40

Aluksne region orienteering championship-2014




Championship will take place at Veclaicene, close to lake Raipala at 10th June. Competition center is located 1.5 km marked way from Rīga – Veclaicene highway, about 3 km before border crossing point Veclaicene – Murati. Start at 16 to 19.


Every participant is kindly welcome to this competition.

Championship takes place in the following groups:

VS 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, VS A (open), VS B ( born 1995 y. and earlier), VS H (born 1999 y. and earlier), VS 35, 45, 55, 65


The map was made in 2013. (map edited at spring of 2014). M 1:10 000, H 5m.

Mostly there are mixed and conifer forest. Runnability in the forest varies from medium to good. Medium land forms, which are mixed with lots of different sizes of swamps, where runnability varies. Legends only on map. Maps wont be in plasticat bags.


Approximate distance parameters: VS10 1.5 km, VS12 2.5km , VS14 4 km, V16 6 km, V18 8km, VA 8 km, VB 6km, VH 4km, V35 8km V45 6km, V55 5km,V65 4km. S16 4,5km, S18 5,5km, SA 5,5km, SB 4km, SH 3km, S35 5,5km , S45 4,5km, S55 4 km, S65 3km.


Participants will take orders distance, punching system with SPORT IDENT. The distance limit is 2 hours. Starting interval between one group members – not less than 2 minutes.


I – III place in all groups are awarded with medals. Prize giving ceremony takes place in competition center, starting at 19.30 and at Horizonts 10th round on 17th june.


Entries for the race at competition centre, entry fee: VSA, B, H 35-65 4.-EUR, VS 14 -18 2.-EUR, VS 10-12 1.50 EUR

SportIdent rent 1.- EUR


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